What time do you like getting up in the morning?

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hi my name is Annika. (captain obvious) I'm a girl .(ommm yhah) I'm 9 and I'm in third grade. (finally you say something they don't know)

My hobbies are adventuring,playing with friends,and beeing awesome.I am all about cheering someone on until they know they are destined to win. (sports fan)

I also LOVE soccer!!!!!!!!!!My dad says he's going to be my soccer coach. Yay!!!!
My best friend Brinlee comes to my games sometimes and she says she is interested in soccer.

Please comment if you like it or not. If you want me to blog something, put it in the comments.

First post

Well this is my first post :).
Here is some info about me:

I have never had a blog before.My favorite color is dark purple.I'm in third grade I'm 9 years old and I've been told I'm really awesome and funny.I have been to three countries(Mexico,Canada,and America of course).I have 3 friends named Jake,Brinlee,and Kaci.

Well there is my post. Comment if you want to ask me questions or just tell me if you like it or not.